Burning Flame III 《烈火雄心3》
Episode 26
So, Chung ( Wong He ) already accept the reality, he need to work hard and trained hard to life w/o a leg in future life, so he try very hard and use to it. Ying ( Myolie ) do feel happy for he wake up from sadness again. And he try to interview to get a job, but so hard, so, Ying ‘s help him and being notice by him, so, he find Ying and thanks and tell her tat he wont angry her and Rex ( Kevin )
And Ying told this to Rex, Rex is so happy, another side, Rex might need to be transfer to another dept due to the buy lottery during office hour of his staff, and he dun really care abt tis. He just care abt Chung’s future. So end up, he really need to transfer to another dept, and some others also same as him wil transfer to different dept, and Encore ( Bosco Wong ) is still under there , but he dun feel happy to work under Pang’s
So, this day while Encore accompany Easy ( Aimee ) for medical check up, and suddenly the building on little fire and Encore just pass his wife to a nurse and he rush to help to settle the fire and did not care the wife and while rushing out of building, his wife being push by pass byer, cause Easy stomach pain, and Encore so worried..
Later on,while back home beingh scold by mum and Sunday Gor ( Grand-pa ) and he promise he wil never leave his wife alone and wil by her side, when Easy deliver baby.
So, this day, while the last day of Rex in this fire-station and they get a very serious building on fire’s job , and another side, while Easy and Rex sis on shopping, they being hit by a old signage that dropped and hit Rex sis until fainted and Easy get stomach pain and tat moment Encore and Rex know this news, but they cant do anything , cos they on the way to save a building on serious fire, but they 2 is so worried abt the sis and wife.
So, luckly Ying’s brother reach on time to saved Rex sis and Easy and Easy might need to deliver now, so they inform Encore abt Easy need deliver baby soon, but he is on duty, so he and Rex still do their job although their family’s is in critical moment another side, and they both is almost get into trouble during put our fire, luckly end up, just minor injured and they both quickly rush to hospital to see the sis and wife.
So, while reach, Rex sis is sad and cry due to she got a hurt on the neck..
To, Easy, Encore is worried, cos Easy need to deliver baby now and might in critical moment, cos she have high blood pressure. Cause Encore so scare and worried.
Episode 26
So, Chung ( Wong He ) already accept the reality, he need to work hard and trained hard to life w/o a leg in future life, so he try very hard and use to it. Ying ( Myolie ) do feel happy for he wake up from sadness again. And he try to interview to get a job, but so hard, so, Ying ‘s help him and being notice by him, so, he find Ying and thanks and tell her tat he wont angry her and Rex ( Kevin )
And Ying told this to Rex, Rex is so happy, another side, Rex might need to be transfer to another dept due to the buy lottery during office hour of his staff, and he dun really care abt tis. He just care abt Chung’s future. So end up, he really need to transfer to another dept, and some others also same as him wil transfer to different dept, and Encore ( Bosco Wong ) is still under there , but he dun feel happy to work under Pang’s
So, this day while Encore accompany Easy ( Aimee ) for medical check up, and suddenly the building on little fire and Encore just pass his wife to a nurse and he rush to help to settle the fire and did not care the wife and while rushing out of building, his wife being push by pass byer, cause Easy stomach pain, and Encore so worried..
Later on,while back home beingh scold by mum and Sunday Gor ( Grand-pa ) and he promise he wil never leave his wife alone and wil by her side, when Easy deliver baby.
So, this day, while the last day of Rex in this fire-station and they get a very serious building on fire’s job , and another side, while Easy and Rex sis on shopping, they being hit by a old signage that dropped and hit Rex sis until fainted and Easy get stomach pain and tat moment Encore and Rex know this news, but they cant do anything , cos they on the way to save a building on serious fire, but they 2 is so worried abt the sis and wife.
So, luckly Ying’s brother reach on time to saved Rex sis and Easy and Easy might need to deliver now, so they inform Encore abt Easy need deliver baby soon, but he is on duty, so he and Rex still do their job although their family’s is in critical moment another side, and they both is almost get into trouble during put our fire, luckly end up, just minor injured and they both quickly rush to hospital to see the sis and wife.
So, while reach, Rex sis is sad and cry due to she got a hurt on the neck..
To, Easy, Encore is worried, cos Easy need to deliver baby now and might in critical moment, cos she have high blood pressure. Cause Encore so scare and worried.