My Love , My Bosco !
29th July 2011
A wonderful day of mine.. since stress of work, is time to relax..
Early around 6-30 pm reach the venue and Hi , to Shindy , let her know..
my appearance lo... then waited until 7 pm. at last , our Beloved Bosco .. is here..
suddenly crowded , fans shouting .. everyone pushing , listened some fans said..
" Bosco shake hand with me , arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr " .. hahahaa... i stand aside listen
and smile .. then i also listened fans said " Bosco so handsome , Bosco so yeng ,
Bosco so cute , Bosco so friendly .... ar.... " they shouted.. hahahaha..
i really enjoy stand aside listen what they said... then Bosco appear on stage..
wow.. more crowded.. everyone can't wait to go out to stage.. and i happen really hard..
squeeze only stand quite near to stage and happen snapped few close up pic of Bosco..
So , after my turn to snap what i want to snap .. then i let my friends Diana stand my
place to let her snap Bosco pic lo... and i stood behind cont hold Bosco 's banner la...
So, after a while is our fans club turn to Q Up to let Bosco sign his posters la..
The MC " jack " ask , why we all so good , we wont push and will Q up nicely to wait
for our turns for autograph, then he asked , who teach us, i listened some one behind shouted..
BOSCO TEACH 1.. hahahaa.. yayaya,true .. Bosco guide 1 ... hahaa
So after autograph , we fans club member can had a short gathering with our
Beloved Bosco lo... so, we all went to 1 of the Karaoke room and wait for Bosco la..
So, i remember , after wait around 10 mins.. here he came.. wow.. i stand beside the
door.. he is just outside .. lol.. yeng, cool , hot and handsome.. hahaha...
So , once he walk in , he will very friendly and say " Hi " then we all will shout la..
say hi back la.. then he asked Shindy and Shirley , so now.. do what ??
So, we suggested , autograph , sing song , take photos.. then he say , ok la...
take photos 1 by1 then autograph then sing song la...
Yeah.. after photos and autograph session.. we get a song for him to sing
" Yun Gan Tin Si " song.. i forget e name ler...
Then this is most wonderful moments.. cos he want sing duet with us.. and
i am 1 of the fans that can sing duet with him , hahaha.. got high lo.. hahaha..
my 1st time to sing duet with my idol.. i m very happy , very high and very thankful :)
So, after that he got to leave ler... and b4 he leave , he will ask us be careful later back
home ya... and we all BYE Bosco... wait for your next coming ! take care ya Bosco !
and Gambade , always support u !