Come this episode, really need to thanks again to Moses..for have tis programme..its really let me gain lots of knowlodge on Coffee,
" Coffee is the common man's gold,
And like gold, it brings to every person,
the feeling of luxury and nobility,
By ' Abd-Al-Kadir 1587
His 1st destination is to Afrika , Kenya, to taste different coffee,and he did visit to the farm of coffee, where they planted coffee beans,and he did visit to the factory of coffee.
So, cute of Moses, he did planted a coffee tree itself, and its named as Mo's Coffee tree..
This episode, he did interview John , who attenda coffee Competition, " 9th Annual World Barista Championship "and so happy of Moses, he got the chance to taste the coffeedone by John named " Malindi Macchiato "
Next he did visit to a competiton , where the participate need toserve a coffee in very fast mins, and he did interview to the winners too..names " Casper "
Next Moses, back to Indonesia again and tis time, he visited acoffee hse, where there is an antic coffee maker machine, the owner of this machine, he just brought this machine and he did not use it b4 to serve even a cup of coffee...any way, he did serve a coffee for Moses, but is not withtat antic, he used another coffee maker..
Next moses, have the opportunity to see the oldest Coffee Tree ,this tree is sound like more then 500 yrs..old
Last Moses, interview another participate at " 9th Annual World Barista Championship "Johnson from Taiwan, and Moses even visit to Taiwan , Johnsoncoffee hse to taste the coffee that done by him named " Perfume Expresso "
And last, come to Mo's Cafe, this episode, he serve himself" Flat White " where its popular in australia.
After watch few episode, i getting more and more like Moses,he give me a feel of, he is a guy with romance and sometimesfunny funny... esp, when he serve coffee, i wonder, if my bf, 1 day can serve me a coffee, and i just sitting there looking at him..i m sure, tis moment he is most manly and handsome, justv same ashow i feel when i see Moses serve coffee in every episode of thepart " Mo's Cafe " haha..
Next, Moses funny part, is sometimes, the way he talks and the impression from him..can say its funny , and also cute lo.. haha.. i feel that, if talk wif himat a cafe hse, sure very funny and full of laughters..No wonder, Tavia did mentioned b4, when shot Moonlight wif Moses,sometimes, he cant stand and kept on laugh when see Moses expression.
This post, is not fully all from Moses Coffee Confidential, i just write some from the show and others will add in some of my words.Hope so, you all enjoyed reading.
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