The Gem of Life 珠光寶氣
Come to this 5 episode, series start to goes quite nervous...3 sisters , Jessica, Constance and Sylvia, will work hard on their business
Another side , Will start to check in Elise, due to he listenfrom Jessica, he and Woh being play around and foll by Elise..so, he start to check on Elise and grand-pa...
But, so sad.... tis is the moment of Elise, feel wan to stop all herbad doing, due to, she feel sorry to play and lie the 2 brothers " will and woh "but, Will already check alot and know wat's happen around these yrs.. being fool like stupid guy.
Another side to Terence, due to, he did not save Derek.. the thing is in his mind forever...cos, he have done something bad... he wont have a peace mind forever.. unlesss, he told ppl abt tis..so, he always saw fire infront of him and the incident will always appear infront of him,
Next step, Sylvia is helping Kalvin alot, and Sunny also helping too..to gain Kalvin's business back... no matter, who they will co-operate , just tomake the business be come good.. and even being insult by Jessica Ex-Husband..but, sunny feel so angry for seeing he insult Sylvia, and beat him afterdiscussion of business.
Sad thing happen, Will scold Phillip and Elise, due to he know.wats going on... Elise so sad for , but she did not say anything..but sad is , when Elise feel want to stop al this and thinking to reallyhelp Will.. but, this moment Will know they earlier is fooling him..cause him so angry and want to fight back.
So, due to, Phillip feel so angry of Elise dun help him and Willalso wont help him any more.. and at the moment, while he went formedical check up, he saw JEssica son is in hospital and he think of kidnapped him. OMG
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