Come to the ending, everyone so nervous on abt , Chai Gao will died, so, TVB held a 40 tables dinner to watch the 2 episode of Rosy Business..
Starting of the show, b4 watch the 2 episode,
So, the show started with Chai Gao and 4 Nai Nai give a speech to make theshow start and coming cont , introdue the cast of the series,Got Ngok Wah, TSe Suet Sam, Ngo , Ron Ng, Hui Ying Hung, Suki Chui, Nancy Wu, and alos the most bad ppl " Pang Hang " and others cast also appear ( but did not see Kiki Sheung )
So, they will introduce in their heart, the scene tat most good to them , So, 1st to introduce is Sheren Tang to introdude, she vote for the sceneafter Kiu died, and then Bit Mun and Dai Nai Nai mess up and kept want toget the Hing Fung Lin 60% and suddenly Wong Yeh turn up and let them knowtat earlier, Kiu already have a arrangement on how to divide his businessafter he died, and there is 2 arrangement, if Bit Mun is being good after hedied, then will follow the 1st arrangement, but if he is not, thenall the arrangement will follow 4 Nai Nai's order.
So, Sheren vote for tis, and in this series Chai Gao got alot of "Gam Gui "so, they showed all his meaning ful Gam Gui and alos ask Wayne Lai to perform agian on stage on tat day with all the Gam Gui..
After tat Tse Suet Sam to vote for her 1, she vote for the scene onshe and 4 Nai Nai to quarrel with each others,
Then next is Wayne Lai, he vote for the scene, tat after hework so hard for Hing Fong Lin, but 4 Nai Nai did not increase hisstatus to 3 Jiong Guai and he feel so sad and dissapointed , andscold and cry in front of 4 Nai Nai..
Then, next 1 scene also quite great, is Dai Nai Nai holding a heavy wood andbeat Bit Mun, for she know her son done wrong, but she scare Kiu will kick himoff the family, so just pretend on punished the son , but another way, will do alotjust to help the son , but its wrong way.
So, next to vote is Ngok Wah, he vote for the scene, when he died.
COme to Ron to vote, is to vote the scene of , he beat Bit Mun, after know, he plan to killed Chai Gao on boat, wow..tats is great..1st time see, Bit Jing , so angry and he also sad for the dadonly love his brother and did not think of him...so, all anger come to just beat Bit Mun Geng Geng..haha
So, to Ngo to vote, he vote the scene, after he done wrong , hestill create alot of story to lie the dad,
NExt 3 Nai Nai to choose, is i feel tis they're great,the scene of 3 Nai Nai slap Dai Nai Nai, after she know,the Dai Nai Nai almost wil do something tat will cause, Bit Jing send to jailed,wow... tat slap and tat push on Dai nai Nai , make me give her an applause..haha
So, after all of them have vote, is time to watch the 2 final episode..and after watch, come back to the show again..
Ron sing the theme song, he sing live is not bad, quite great..and i feel thetheme song is nice too :)
So , after watch, every of the cast, also feel happy and satisfied with the ending andNgok Wah, voice out and ask " Lok " whether we can have 2nd part, and Lok give ahand sign tat OK, tat mean, might have a same type of series as Rosy withall the same cast, but its might be not ancient series and of course, wont bePArt II of Rosy, cos Chai Gao died di..
So, Amigo the MC, ask Chai Gao and 4 Nai Nai, whether they have any love feels inside, and the 2 Sheren and Wayne also say..dun sound like love, but sound like as a partner which tat,they gone through alot of thing , so will come to a special feel in between 2 of them..
And they ask the director to talk abt tis, and he also say the same thing,
So, b4 the show end, the vote for the special scene, the winner come toChai Gao's scene, so Stephen Chan , give the special made " Keys"to Wayne Lai, for his vote, 1 more vote to win Sheren Tang scene..just 1 vote only.. wow..tat's mean alot of ppl also love 4 Nai Nai scene.
So, the show end wif, Rosy Business might got another part of series comingwif all the same cast of role , but the story might different lo..
Wish so , there is and also wish so, tis yr, Wayne Lai and Sheren canget an awards to this series. :)
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