any way, i do quite like the colaps of him and Angela Tong, and i do feel Angela Tong
quite suit her role, as bossy and firece wife.. haha..

fight any more, due to he had killed too much ppl, esp the dad .. all the bad have done by
the done and now come to his own son ( Man Guam )
there is plan of him , ...
Oh, no .. no.. sad.. sad.. why again Ah Ngam ( Natalie TOng ) , being kidnapped ..
lol, sure using this to stop them from voice out all bad have done my Wen Tuck

tell the truth to everyone.. i guess, this time Weng Tuck and the police friend cannot,
get away la... cos even the daughter ( Selena Li ) also tell out how his dad killed ppl.

I do feel this time, Kevin Cheng got a little improment on his shotting,
hope so, he will improve more ... but in A Fistful , i will feel Kenneth Ma
looks like the big brother then Kevin Cheng lo.. haha

Lol, Weng Tuck think that, create a story of send his wife to crazy ppl hospital and
can follow his plan well, end up, the wife really gone crazy, he is so so sad and never thought
the ending of his wife would be like this, every-man she met, she wil appolozige and say
i never think to kill you... lol.. so sad

to Kevin Cheng and Natalie Tong, their relationship scene not tat heavy,
but i do like Natalie as Ah Ngam, she hold the role so well..
I do wish the ending, they will find Ah Ngan and she end up with Kevin Cheng.

I guess so, when someone come to the end , and while he think back, sure he
will feel, whatever he done is wrong and , is good that, he awake from his mistakes
and Man Guan end up also know he is wrong and help Ah Tong and Ah Jiong to
get the news from his dad of where he kept Ah Ngan,
Although Man Guan regret , but the dad still feel he not yet loose, he wil win at the end

Yeah , Ah Ngam being found out and i m sure, ending is a happy ending for her,
can be with the 1 she love since the starting until now.
What Weng Tuck have done all these , he need to deserve it and end up, he hang up him self.
Man Guan need to send to jail .... luckly the 2 sis forgive him and stil care for him

I do love this series so much and i do love the ending as well..
Happy Ending is always what i love to watch from TVB and everything end up
pretty nice... i wont feel to have Part II will be nice... this ending is just nice..
eso Kenneth Ma and Selena Li, they pretty sweet and match, wish to watch them
together in a series again.
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