Don Juan Demercado - 情人眼裏高一D ( Spoiler Episode 2)
Come to episode 2, still make me laugh alot while watching this series,
But, quite pity Wong Jo Lam, with the actual look, he being blame for
touched ppl backside, but after be come look like Bosco, haha...
even touched on the same person chest, also no problem and be come so
popular, just like A star.. haha..
So, while he enjoying his look, and his voice attracted Mark Li , haha..
And signed him to joined the competition of The Voice and get full points.. wow..
And he again meet Kate Tsui ( Jie On Fei ) and Wong Jo Lam / Bosco as ( Kan Lik Suen )
and he is so happy for what he gain now and the next morning,
OMG, he back to his won look , Wong Jo Lam sleepy eyes and double hotdog lips..
scared Kate , @_@
yah...I really pity WOng Cho Lam too :( Just because of his look people overlooked his talent :/
lynne ~ ya, pity him, but i do wan to give him applause, he is so talented, he purposely make him self sleepy eyes in the series.. funny lo... ^_^
Haha I know!! I don't know how he can keep up with those sleepy eyes!! I tried to do that but doesn't work for me :P but yup! he is funny when he does that xD
Lynne ~ yaya, i do try wor..hehe, cannot 1, very hard , so really need give applause to Wong Jo Lam, he is so talented, can be singer, actor and MC , great ,
But in this series, i m so enjoy watching Bosco, he is just so so yeng lo.. ^_^
Lols I kinda figure that out xD Bosco is your idol so.... xD Haha, I just finish this series ;) Gonna re-watch it when I get my hands on the viet sub!
lynne ~ haha.. yaya, Bosco is really my idol, hehe, u can see from my screen captures, mostly is Bosco hehe
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