鐵馬尋橋 A Fistful Of Stances Opening Scene
After watch the opening, it sound so interesting to me,
and do feel, alot of crying scene, really interesting series to me..
any way, do feel bit up-set for Tavia only appear in few episode..
but do feel happy to see again pairing of Kenneth Ma and Selena Li, ( wish is as pairing in series )
any way, also happy to watch Natalie Tong in ancient series.. and
wow, quite alot of Fa Dan in the series, just 3 Siu Sang ...
Haha, looking forward to this series too^^ Hoping that Natalie will have her break through character in here!
btw, LOVE your banner!!!really like at all the pics you use ;)
lynne ~yaya, sound very interesting to me, although i dun really like kevin cheng, but i do love to watch kenneth ma colaps with selena li, plus sound 1st time see Natalie in ancient, and i do like Natalie too.. , so also wish she wil break through her role this time..
Thansk , cos feel always also Bosco on banner, feel wanna do something different and i found those pic on net... feel nice and use it for banner la.. hehe ^_^
Me too! I don't really like Kevin that much...but the series looks good. Haha, Selena and Kenneth is super cute together in The Four, so I'm really looking for them in here too^ Oh! I didn't know it was Natalie's first ancient role ^^; but yah, hope so too^
lols so now no more Bosco :P Hehe..u didn't choose the wrong pics though^ All the pics are pretty <3
Lynne ~ hehe, not that no more Bosco , once i found his new pic, i wil change ... hehe.. any way, feel that if every time also Bosco photos as banner , afraid u gals might get bored, hehe..
so, sometimes have some changes is good too..
Er..to Natalie in ancient series, i guess la... should be 1st time , cos sound never watch yet ,...
YEap, i do quite liek Kenneth pair with Selena, i up to epi 3 for this series, it's nice , ^_^
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