Monday, September 28, 2009

In the Chamber of Bliss - 蔡鍔與小鳳仙 Opening Scene

In the Chamber of Bliss - 蔡鍔與小鳳仙 Opening Scene
So sorry for so delay, due to quite busy these few weeks and
plus, not feeling last 2 weeks, cause me, no mood to do all these , and
now my heath and mood is back, so wil make it as soon as possible, to
finish all the delay screen captures, esp Screen on Burning Flames III episodes.
So, here is opening scene of In The Chamber Of Bliss,
still not yet started watch the series yet, but sound interesting to me, due to
Damain Lau, but dun too love Toby , hope so, she wont dissapoint me la...
and Kenneth Ma is here too... sound 1st time watch him colaps wif Toby and also Damain.
to Kathy, er.. after watch her in EU, she dun give me any surprise, hope so she will be
more great in this series

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